A BOOK ABOUT THE "INDIAN ECONOMIC MIRACLE" AND MORE This book is called " The Mouse brings Money. Indian reportage" (Author V. A. Skosyrev. M., FEORIA, 2012, 284 p.). The first thing that comes to mind is an unusual, memorable title. Apparently, it is inspired by some old Indian fairy tale about a small magic mouse that miraculously helps poor people in this poor country. That's right. The mouse is indeed invisibly present on many pages of the book. But not live, but electronic - an indispensable part of most computers. This topic, as well as the analysis of the reasons why India has made great progress in the field of information technology and computer systems in recent years, is often addressed by the author throughout the entire work. It is the computer mouse, and by and large those very modern information technologies, that are the symbol of modern India, a rapidly developing giant state that has not yet finally got out of centuries of poverty and backwardness, but has already overtaken other countries in many advanced areas of technology and science. It would not be an exaggeration to say, somewhat changing the well-known saying: in India, it was not the mountain that gave birth to the mouse, but the mouse that gave birth to the mountain. This country, its leaders, its scientists and engineers have wisely and accurately chosen the most relevant and most popular areas of scientific and technological progress. Thanks to huge achievements on this path, success has also been achieved in other areas, including space exploration and nuclear energy, and access to world markets. As a result, the country was able to get a lot of resources and, of course, money, which, according to the author, brought a computer mouse. However, the book is not only about modern India and its achievements. This work is one of those that are called "final" - it is the result of a close study of India by a well-known Soviet and Russian journalist for several decades. The author, as a corre ... Read more

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