Keywords: Taliban, "Taliban", Interagency Intelligence of Pakistan, President P. Musharraf SHOWING THE WORLD THE TRUE FACE OF THE TALIBAN Although there is no shortage of publications in the Russian press that mention the Taliban and the Taliban, little is actually known about this Afghan movement. So, we know almost nothing about its leaders. And their fate often turns out to be difficult, and the views of some of those who stood at the origins of the Taliban have evolved in a very unexpected direction. The tragic fate of a person who took an active part in the formation and strengthening of this movement is indicative. He is called the" godfather " of the Taliban. All the more instructive is the path he has taken. For 11 years - from 1979 to 1989, that is, throughout the entire period of participation of a limited contingent of Soviet troops in the fighting in the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (DRA) - the Mujahideen, who tried to overthrow the government in the country led by the People's Democratic Party, were assisted by intelligence agents of neighboring countries and, above all, Pakistan. One of the most influential among the "invisible front fighters" was Amir Sultan Tarar, nicknamed the "godfather of the Taliban" and better known as"Colonel Imam". He participated in numerous international intrigues and collaborated with various special services, movements and tribes. "Tarar epitomized the complexities of Pakistan's multi-faceted policy toward militant Islam" and was undoubtedly "one of the most important figures in the history of Islam." page 35 the most colorful and controversial figures in the shadowy world of spy games on the troubled border between Pakistan and Afghanistan " 2. His military and intelligence career began in 1970, when he graduated from the Pakistan Military Academy with the rank of Second Lieutenant and was assigned to the 15th Line Regiment. In 1974, he was sent to the United States, where at Fort Bragg (North Carolina) he completed ... Read more

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