SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE AT THE INSTITUTE OF AFRICA OF THE RUSSIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Keywords: crisis in Arab countries, Middle East, North Africa, Africa Institute For almost four years now, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has been rocked by another" round " of crisis phenomena. Clashes on ethnic and confessional grounds do not stop here, and the confrontation between various groups is becoming more acute. The Third scientific conference held in November 2014 at the Institute of Africa (IAfr RAS) was devoted to the analysis of these dramatic events and the problems associated with their resolution (the previous ones were held in May 2011 and June 2013). More than 20 reports were presented. They discussed issues related to the aggravation of socio-economic, political and ethno-confessional contradictions in the MENA region and the emergence of conflicts to a new level; the impact of the Arab crisis on the situation in African countries; ways of further development of the region's countries after the events of the so-called "Arab Spring". The conference was organized by the Center for Civilizational and Regional Studies of the IAfr RAS and the Laboratory for Monitoring the Risks of Socio-Political Destabilization of the Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE). Presentations were made by representatives of a number of leading Russian research centers and universities: IAfr RAS, IB RAS, RUDN University, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO (U) of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Research University Higher School of Economics, etc. The conference was attended by a representative of the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan in the Russian Federation, Gasim Arbab, as well as employees of the International Center for African Studies in Sudan, who donated several books of the center's employees to the IAfr RAS Library. Below is an overview of some of the con ... Read more

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