M. L. Gorbunova Doctor of Economics I. D. KOMAROV Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University Keywords: Taiwan's economic development, "Asian tigers", China's special administrative regions, Taiwan's foreign trade, "strategic triangle": USA-China-Japan The study of the economy of Taiwan (Republic of China) is of research interest, primarily because of the peculiarity of its economic model combined with the uncertainty of its international legal status. Being one of the four "Asian tigers" along with Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea, Taiwan, as a result of an active interventionist policy focused on the production and export of high-tech products, reached a leading position in Asia by the end of the XX century, second only to Japan in terms of development. The functioning of Taiwan's economic system is currently conditioned not only by the internal development of the island, but also by a combination of geopolitical forces: the increased integrated power of the People's Republic of China, a new round of US activism in Asia, the aggravation of military and political tensions in the East and South China Seas region1, and the actualization of Japan's role as a key Washington's military ally. The current status of the island administration - non - diplomatic recognition as a legitimate State in the international arena 2-has an impact on Taiwan's development and foreign economic relations. The People's Republic of China and the Republic of China do not recognize each other's sovereignty. The leadership of mainland China, after receiving the island's seat in the UN in 1971, successfully implements a diplomatic blockade of Taiwan, not allowing its independent representation in any international organizations and agreements. From the UN point of view, Taiwan is an administrative unit of the People's Republic of China, which deprives it of the prospects of participating in newly created regional integration associations in Asia. Thus, the formal subordi ... Read more

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