Spelling of unstressed vowels in personal verb endings
Stressed vowels in the personal endings of verbs are written according to their pronunciation, for example: molch it-molch at, sid it-sid yat, shagn et-shagn ut, po et-po yut . Unstressed vowels in verb endings usually do not differ by ear: risu et, write et, kle it, hear it (we pronounce [it], and write that et, then it). In such cases, for choosing vowels, it is customary to rely on verbs in an indefinite form, which can be conditionally divided into three groups:: 1) ending with the stressed combination [it'], 2) not ending with the combination [it'], 3) ending with the unstressed combination [it']. Writing vowels in the personal endings of verbs formed from the first two groups, as a rule, does not cause difficulties for writers: if the indefinite form is with [yt'], then in most personal endings it is written and, and in the 3rd person plural at(yt), for example: treat, sculpt - [it'] under stress, means: treat, le-CHIM, treat-treat; scuLpt, sculpts, sculpt, scuLpt, sculpt this group of verbs changes by II conjugation). If the indefinite form ends with the combinations-yt, -yt, -yt, etc. (except for [it']). then in most personal endings it is written e, and in the 3rd person plural ut (yut), for example: tickle, stlat ("stelit" is a colloquial form, personal endings are used only from the form stlat), blush, stab, jump, walk-it means: tickle - tickle, stelEsh-stelUt, Blush - blush, prick - prick, jump - jump, walk - walk (this group of verbs is changed by I conjugation). The third group of verbs (and we have about two thousand of them!) is a source of common mistakes among spellers, because the pronounced [it'] has a four-variant letter designation: - at, - to,- it, -yat (listen[it'] - listen, get tired[it'] - get tired, sting [it'] - sting, lele[it'] - cherish). This means that the personal endings of verbs in this group have different vowels: some verbs have e and ut, others have i and at( yat), i.e. some verbs in this group change by I conjugation, and other ... Read more

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Spelling of unstressed vowels in personal verb endings

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