Simple, compound names and keywords in documents
In the XV - XVII centuries, in the headings of documents, you could find simple names-Literacy, Writing, Memory. But more often there were complex ones, i.e. with a definition (adjective): Blessed Letter, Correct Record, Messenger Memory, Borrowed Bondage, Name Painting, etc. It happens that the name is "scattered" over all parts of the document, but it is more expedient to combine these parts into a single, whole name. So, in one place the word Pokrutnaya occurs, and in another - the Entry (1703). In one part of the document we see the combination Amicable boundary, and in the other - Memory (1482). The same author called the document first Unsubscribe, and then-Cleaning (1686), or, for example, in the text part the document is called a Receipt, and in the drawing part the same document is called a Receipt, That's Decent. There are many such cases. For research purposes, we consider it useful to combine these names scattered throughout the document into a single whole and suggest calling them composite terms: Pokrutnaya record, Amicable boundary memory, Clearing unsubscribe, Order receipt. The concepts of simple, complex, and composite document names are also necessary to avoid confusing a single document and a combination of documents for the same case. We believe that these concepts can be useful for archivists when compiling document inventories. page 84 Different names of the same document are quite common, and linguists could not help but pay attention to it. The opinions on this issue are unanimous: the reason for different names of one document should be seen in synonymy, caused by the fact that the language of the pre-Petrine era was not well established and in different cases, including in the names of documents, uses different lexical means. The material we have reviewed in different areas of document flow allows us to significantly increase the number of examples that it is advisable to consider within certain groups. Different document names can be asso ... Read more

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Simple, compound names and keywords in documents

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