E.L. Skvortsova. The Japanese Art Tradition and Romanticism (in the Light of a Problem of Interaction of Reason of a Body in the East and Discursive Knowledge of the West) The article deals with the problem of inexpressive, non-discursive "corporal" knowledge in the Far-Eastern aesthetical tradition, as opposed to the knowledge based on social-oriented text. The latter, during the last 2.5 thousand years existed as the main form of true knowledge about the Universe in the West. But in the aesthetical thought of the Romanticism there was an attempt to consider personal corporal aspect of mind as the base of the true knowledge, which draws together the two traditions. Key words: corporal mind, the Far-Eastern aesthetical tradition, the Romanticism. V.I. Kunkova. Abbasid "Art of the Beautiful Life" The main research problem of this article is the flourishing period of all forms of arts and crafts under the Abbasid dynasty rule (750 - 1258) in the Arab Caliphate while the principal foundations of the Arab Islamic art that took in the original traditions of the Arabs with its Islamic philosophy of life and the heritage of such great civilizations of the Ancient World as the Byzantine Empire and Sasanid Iran, were laid down. Their distinctive features of the Middle Eastern art based on the Abbasid aesthetic conception called "art of the beautiful life" are shown by the examples of works of Arab medieval art that form numerous collections of the museums all over the world. Key words: Arab-Muslim art, aesthetics, the Arab Caliphate, the Abbasid dynasty. A.I. Tugutov. The Mongolian Prophecy The article focuses on some aspects of a prediction in the history of the Mongolian people. The author reviews the means of divination, including those occurred in today's daily life. The theme is based more in detail on materials of medieval sources, especially "Mongolyn Nuuts Tovcoo" - "The Secret History of The Mongols" (first third of XIII century) and travel writings of foreig ... Read more

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