Over the past 15 years, the study of Israel in Russian has developed at an unprecedented pace. If in previous years most of the literature published in Russia about Israel appeared under headlines like: "Racism under the Blue Star "(Saratov, 1981), "International Zionism in the Service of Imperialist Reaction" (Moscow, 1984), "Mines under the Olive Trees: American-Israeli Robbery in the Middle East" (Moscow, 1984), "Palestine in the loop of Zionism" (Moscow, 1988), "Zionism in the Middle East" (Moscow, 1984). brown uniform: On the activities of ultra-right, pro-fascist forces in Israel "(Moscow). 1989), then after the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries, a significant amount of balanced and even openly pro-Israeli literature was published in Moscow. It is also important to note that until 1991, the only Jewish publishing house that actually published books about Israel in Russian was the Aliyah Library in Jerusalem, but later others appeared: Gesharim/Bridges of Culture", Open University of Israel Press, " Lehaim/Text", " House of the Jewish Book/Parallels". Among the hundreds of books they have published, a considerable number are dedicated to the State of Israel. The total number of more or less serious books and articles about Israel (including the history of the Zionist movement, which was the immediate forerunner of the independent Jewish state) published in Russian is approaching 400 - a situation unthinkable just 20 years ago. No complete bibliographic index of books and articles about Israel has ever been published in Russian. In the book " Society and Politics of Modern Israel "(Moscow/Jerusalem, 2002), an annotated index was placed (p. 401-428; comp. by A.D. Epshtein, A.V. Fedorchenko, N. G. Heimets) major works on the history, politics, economy, and social problems of the State of Israel, published in 1985-2001. It included, among other things, 80 books and articles written in Russian, and 49 books by Israeli and American authors ... Read more

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