SOCIETY SOCIETY AND THE STATE IN CHINA. From February 12 to 14, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the XXXVII scientific conference "Society and the State in China"AND THE STATE IN CHINA
From February 12 to 14, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the XXXVII scientific conference "Society and the State in China". Reports on various topics related to various aspects of the history and life of the PRC and Taiwan were presented for discussion. In particular, attention was paid to the problems of modern China, its place in the process of globalization, ancient and modern history, archeology, culture, ideology and literature of this country. The conference was attended by 81 participants from scientific institutions of Moscow (IB RAS, IDV RAS, ISAA at Moscow State University, IMLI RAS, RSUH, Istfak MSU), St. Petersburg (Eastern Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, State University of Oriental Studies). Hermitage Museum), Eastern University at the Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Linguistic University, MGIMO (U) The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Higher School of Economics, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, the St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy and Theology, the State Museum of Oriental Studies, scientists from Vladivostok, Chelyabinsk, students of various Moscow universities of humanities, representatives of the Embassies of China and India in Moscow. A number of reports were devoted to the role and place of China in the modern world, its integration into the process of globalization. A. N. Korneev (ISAA) noted a great interest in the process of globalization in China, as evidenced, in particular, by the recent publication of more than 30 books on this topic, discussions about the reality or, conversely, some phantominess of globalization going on in the country. It is considered against the background of the objective course of world development in the past century, divided into four periods: 1) division into center-forming and peripheral states-before World War II; 2) vertical division of labor, i.e. a certain subordination of the ... Read more
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SOCIETY SOCIETY AND THE STATE IN CHINA. From February 12 to 14, the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted the XXXVII scientific conference "Society and the State in China"AND THE STATE IN CHINA

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