In the stuffy and smoky summer of 2010, our colleague Salima Ishmuradovna Ioanesyan passed away. She belonged to the generation of Russian specialists who studied at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Studies, and in 1954 were transferred to MGIMO of the USSR Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where Salima Ishmuradovna graduated with honors. After completing her post-graduate studies in 1962, she devoted her entire life to working at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences, where she became a candidate of Economic Sciences and rose to a senior researcher. As fate would have it, Salima Ishmuradovna turned from her initial specialization in Turkology to the study of Laos. She has written dozens of articles on agriculture, the economic development of Laos, as well as on the problems of agriculture in other Southeast Asian countries, published a number of monographs, including a work on the economic development of Laos, and prepared graduate students for defense. Salima Ishmuradovna's works are unique, since it was she who accumulated and comprehended sources and materials on the topic that she taught. No one was better informed about Laos ' economic development than she was. Performing an educational mission, S. I. Ioanesyan published her works in various collections and encyclopedias, promoting knowledge about this distant country to the masses. A qualified and disciplined specialist, Salima Ishmuradovna occupied a special niche in the research work of the Institute and contributed to the multicolored mosaic of Soviet and then Russian Oriental studies. Salima Ishmuradovna was characterized by a noble reserve. She will remain in the memory of her colleagues and all those with whom her life brought her together, as a benevolent, calm, self-contained and at the same time cheerful and witty person. She always responded to the joys and sorrows of others. Salima Ishmuradovna was an activist of the trade union organization of the Institute for many years. Her ta ... Read more

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