S. SKORYY, R. ZIMOVETS. SCYTHIAN ANTIQUITIES OF THE CRIMEA. Materials from the same collection
Kyiv. 2014. 180 p. A richly illustrated book devoted to the Scythian period antiquities from the territory of Crimea has been published in Kiev. The collection of magnificent items of the "Scythian triad" in the amount of 400 items (weapons, horse equipment and animal-style products) comes from random finds of "search engines" using metal detectors in different years and was initially at the disposal of several private owners. Later, these items were purchased and transferred to the Museum of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where they were thoroughly analyzed and restored. One of the leading Scythologists of Ukraine, Head of the Early Iron Age Department of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine S. A. Skoryi and his assistant R. V. Zimovets prepared an impressive catalog of Scythian antiquities from the still poorly studied region of Southeastern Crimea, which almost doubled the number of previously known items of Scythian weapons and horse harness in zoomorphic design from the peninsula. The main part of the collection consists of items of the VII-IV centuries BC. And although almost all of them are random finds, a significant part of them was reliably "tied" to more than 60 specific localities and localities. What is new for Crimean Scythian studies in this collection? First, a number of published (in the form of a catalog) weapons items (a bimetallic sword, bronze arrowheads of the "Jabotinsky" type) reliably date back to the archaic period in the history of Scythia: VII-first half of the VI century BC. mainly items of horse equipment made of bronze: nanos, napps, badges-ornaments of the bridle). So far, the number of such finds on the territory of Crimea has been relatively small. Third, traces of defects (sprues) on some arrowheads and objects of horse bridles in animal style prove their manufacture on the spot, on the Crimean land. And fourthly, the items of this collection find an ... Read more

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S. SKORYY, R. ZIMOVETS. SCYTHIAN ANTIQUITIES OF THE CRIMEA. Materials from the same collection

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