In the world of Russian philology, artificially divided into "nashi" and "wanderers" - those who, for various reasons, found themselves outside their homeland and served for many years in isolation from the national science, there are special figures who stood, perhaps, apart and still have not received wide recognition in Russia. This cannot be said fully about the famous linguist S. I. Kartsevsky, although his scientific works (primarily on modern linguistics) are almost not used in universities. The reason for this may have been that since the late 1920s he was not published in Russia, and a significant part of the philological heritage of the scientist was made up of works in French, published, as a rule, in publications inaccessible to our audience in the 1930s and 1950s. Therefore, the name of S. I. Kartsevsky, so well-known to European linguists, is revered at home only by experts and connoisseurs of "antiquities". At the same time, it is forgotten that it is precisely there, in the revolutionary (literally and figuratively) polemics of the 1920s, that the foundations of the true philological meaning of modern linguistics rest, those ideas and developments that outstripped and somewhat anticipated the development of domestic science. Therefore, the publication of the volume of selected works of S. I. Kartsevsky, carried out by the publishing house "Languages of Russian Culture" (Moscow, 2000), is very timely, as it opens up to Russian readers the unknown and forgotten S. I. Kartsevsky - one of the active participants of the Prague Linguistic Circle. The presented book thematically combines four sections: I. Works on the theory of language. P. Works on the vocabulary of the Russian language of the first quarter of the XX century. III. Reviews. IV. Application. The most extensive part - the theory of Russian linguistics-covers the debatable problems of the formal grammatical direction in Russian philology in the 1920s, when both here and abroad our scientists w ... Read more

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