In the XX century, the Russian language entered as the language of a great, internationally recognized verbal and artistic culture, as the language of the works of Pushkin and Gogol, Turgenev and Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Leskov, Saltykov-Shchedrin and Belinsky, Nekrasov and Tyutchev, Chekhov and Gorky. The core of this culture was the moral improvement of a person, the education of a sense of beauty, social justice, responsiveness, decency, and humanism in him.
And in the XX century, naturally developing along the path of a thousand-year ascent, predetermined by historical fate, the Russian language reached its functional peak as a unique and universal means of communication between peoples in the vast Eurasian space (the USSR) and as one of the world languages.
He met the XXI century not only cautiously, but also not without losses. The Eurasian space, which it has served for centuries, consolidating and elevating it, has ceased to be unified and common. Moreover, in some parts of it, the Russian language is declared undesirable, alien and harmful.
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Literature created in Russian, recognized by UNESCO as one of the three greatest achievements of mankind along with Antiquity and the Renaissance, has been relegated to the periphery of social and cultural needs due to the historical circumstances of the last decade and a half.
Thus, literature, in which the Russian language most fully realized its expressive capabilities, moral potential, beauty and power, ceased to be a support for it. For literature remains literature only as long as it is read, as long as it surprises, enriches, develops the reader as a person, as long as it serves as a model of worthy speech culture, speech behavior, and artistic taste.
Translations into Russian from other languages of the Russian Federation and Eurasia have been reduced several times, thereby weakening its traditionally binding, unifying function in cross-cultural communication between the peoples of the Eurasian space.
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