Russian dacha from Chekhov to the present day
"The Russian word dacha is translated into foreign languages as follows-dacha. That is, there is no translation, only transcription. This does not mean that we are so special and unique. Outside the city, people live everywhere - in villas, ranches... Our dacha is very different from all these diverse manifestations of suburban life in meaning. It does not exist at all in order to relax and enjoy life on it. "What am I, a" new Russian" or something? " - our citizen thinks about this. And not only does he think, but also refuses to call the old Chekhov word "dacha" those country houses where it is customary to rest more" (Nikonov A. Lyubimaya katorga / / Ogonyok. 1998. N 26). The above statement seems to outline the "trajectory of life" of the word dacha in Russian culture and in the Russian language-from A. P. Chekhov to the present day. But first, let's turn to history. Dacha is an ancient Russian word-from the verb to give (dates). In the XVI century, it meant "gift"," gift","grant". In the XVII century, the word dacha refers to a land plot or forest plot received from the state, i.e. free of charge. In the second half of the XVIII century, this word gets a new meaning: "a country house, a small estate located near the city." In Moscow, such dachas were located within the city limits, along the banks of the Yauza and Moskva Rivers. Since the middle of the XIX century, they began to build cottages in Sokolniki and Petrovsky Park. During the period of serfdom, nobles had houses in large cities and family estates in the bosom of nature. The middle strata of the population were almost deprived of the opportunity to come into contact with nature in the summer. After the abolition of serfdom, with the emergence of a class of rich merchants and industrialists, a construction boom begins in the vicinity of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Rich merchants bought land from the Appanage Department and built two-story wooden houses on it page 109 and they rented them out for the sum ... Read more

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Russian dacha from Chekhov to the present day

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