Religious tradition in Modern Society: the experience of theoretical analysis
This article analyzes problems of preservation and reproduction of religious tradition in modern society using the example of Russian Orthodoxy. The author uses the apparatus of the phenomenological philosophy of A. Schutz to analyze the translation of "high" forms of tradition. P. Bourdieu's concept of habitus is used to describe the mechanism of the transmission of tradition in its "popular" manifestation. In the first case, the transfer of the semantic content of the tradition is realized under the conditions of the We-relationship in the immediate environment, where people are able to understand each other in the best possible way. In the second case, the concept of habitus allows us to describe how the tradition that has been developing for a long time within the community of believers remains at the level of practice, often not reaching the level of discourse and consciousness. Thus, a community of believers has various options for understanding and preserving the tradition: from attempts to penetrate the sense of the cultural heritage left by predecessors and to follow it today, to the preservation of the external manifestations of faith and the practices it presupposes in unchanged form. Therefore, religious tradition now appears in a variety of forms. Keywords: religion, Orthodox Christianity, tradition, society, phenomenology, understanding, A. Schutz, habitus, religious practices, P. Bourdieu. page 233RELIGIOUS tradition is studied by representatives of various scientific disciplines, there are many approaches to this concept and attempts to define it. They, in one way or another, address the problems of continuity and changes in society, the inheritance of any activities and values from the past. Tradition is something that preserves stability, gives people a sense of continuity and constancy. It is constantly being produced and reproduced, while undergoing changes that are not always fully recognized by those who make them.1 The presence of a religious ... Read more

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Religious tradition in Modern Society: the experience of theoretical analysis

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