Reading V. I. Dahl. Phraseological units in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language"
Language units that are now considered phraseological units were called differently in the time of V. I. Dahl: sayings, sentences, proverbs, aphorisms. When V. I. Dahl created his famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the living Great Russian Language", the theory of phraseology was not developed, although M. V. Lomonosov spoke about phrases and the need to study them. The term phraseology is not recorded in Dahl's Dictionary at all, and the term phraseology Dahl proposed to call "the doctrine of phrases" - turns of speech that adorn it (comparisons, epithets, metaphors). The main characteristics of the considered units are ambiguity, relative stability at the lexical and grammatical levels, frequent repetition, common knowledge and reproducibility in speech in the finished form. All units with such qualities listed in the Dictionary are part of Russian phraseology in its modern sense; some-in its core (idioms), others - in the peripheral part. Most of the phraseological units in the Dictionary refer to proverbs and sayings, the difference between which was clearly understood by Dahl's contemporaries. A proverb is a unit of sentence structure, "a short utterance, teaching, more in the form of a parable, allegory, or in the form of a life sentence, (...) not composed, but born by itself." A proverb can have two plans (direct and figurative): A stump is big, but a hollow tree-someone has a representative appearance, but does not differ in high moral qualities (or: it is not necessary to judge someone by size-something); What will come back, will respond-how you yourself behave according to the rules. to others, so others will treat you. A proverb can only have a direct plan: Friends are known in trouble. Finally, it can combine direct and figurative meanings: Let your soul go to hell - you will be rich - wealth can be acquired in an unjust way. Proverb - " a folding short speech that is popular, but does not make up a complete proverb, a teaching, in accepted, walking exp ... Read more

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Reading V. I. Dahl. Phraseological units in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language"

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