Reading V. I. Dahl. In a Valentine's dressing gown with a parliamentarian around his neck
NOSKOVA, Z. A. Candidate of Philological Sciences In our minds, Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl is a great interpreter of words, but in the texts of his own works there are sometimes such mysterious words that even the famous "Explanatory Dictionary of the living Great Russian Language" cannot help to reveal. And it is not by chance, obviously, that they appear in Dahl's fairy tales, when the genre itself suggests the presence of something extraordinary. V. I. Dahl's fairy tales were published in 1832 under the title " Russian fairy Tales, translated from the folk oral tradition into civil letters, adapted to everyday life and decorated with walking sayings by the Cossack Vladimir Lugansky. Pyatok the first". In this article we will talk about the first, most famous " Tale of Ivan, a Young Sergeant, A Dashing Head, without a family, without a tribe, just without a nickname "(Dal V.I. Poly. sobr. soch. SPb. - M., 1898. T. 9). Here proverbial and proverbial material is abundantly used. At the beginning of the story, the author warns: "... and whoever is going to listen to my fairy tale, let him not get angry with Russian sayings, and not be afraid of the homegrown language, "thereby preparing the reader for a special form of presentation:" in a certain autocratic kingdom (...) Once upon a time there was a king named Dadon the Golden Purse. This king had a great number of subordinate princes (...) yes, Ivan, a young Sergeant, a Dashing Head, without a family, without a tribe, just without a nickname. It was King Dadon who loved him for his faithful service, and repeatedly granted him high ranks (...) Such a royal favor brought him under the envy of the nobles and boyars of the court ... " And Ivan planned to escape from the royal service, but at the first intersection he saw the beautiful maiden Katerina, and returned. And again he lived happily ever after, "and again the evil one began to torment with envy the truth-loving, compassionate ministers of the tsar." And they sugge ... Read more

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Reading V. I. Dahl. In a Valentine's dressing gown with a parliamentarian around his neck

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