On May 14-16, 2010, a scientific conference "Russian-Chinese Economic cooperation in the context of the transformation of the Global Economic system" was held in Shanghai (China), organized by the Shanghai Academy of International Studies (SHAMI) and the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations".
The conference was attended by government and public figures, researchers, teachers of higher educational institutions in Russia and China. 20 people made presentations. A wide range of issues related to the impact of Russian-Chinese relations on changes in the global economic system were discussed.
Depending on the topic of the reports, all speakers were divided into three sections: "Changes in the structure of the world economy and trends in its development"; "The role, influence and interaction of Russia and China in the formation of a new economic world order"; "Problems and prospects of Russian-Chinese economic cooperation".
Opening the conference, President of the Shanghai Academy of International Studies, member of the China-Russia Friendship, Peace and Development Committee Yang Jiemin stressed that the conference has great scientific and political significance. "Our two countries have many common interests," Yang Jiemin said. We strive for a multipolar world. Our relations should be multilateral." Yang Jiemin noted that the huge interest of the Chinese in Russia is clearly demonstrated by the Expo-2010 exhibition taking place in Shanghai. The Russian Pavilion was visited by thousands of Chinese citizens. In conclusion, Yang Jiemin wished success in his work at the conference.
At the plenary session, Vladimir Yakunin, President and Founder of the World Public Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations", President of JSC "Russian Railways", addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. He presented information about the international non - governmental organization Forum "Dialogue of Civilizations", which was established eight years ago and is headquarter ...
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