After the normalization of Soviet-Chinese relations in the late 1980s, they generally developed quite dynamically and comprehensively. In the mid-1990s, the term "strategic partnership" appeared, reflecting a fairly high level of development of political ties and mutual understanding between the PRC and the new Russia. A landmark event in the history of Russian-Chinese relations was the Treaty of Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation signed in 2001 by Vladimir Putin and Jiang Zemin. In the middle of the first decade of the new century, new heights were reached in the development of political dialogue, which, in particular, was reflected in the joint declarations of 2005, 2006 and 2007. Nevertheless, despite all the achievements, the main one among which could be called a high level of mutual trust between the parties, and a rather diverse structure of cooperation, it would be a simplification to assume that Russian-Chinese relations are completely devoid of structural flaws and serious problems. In this article, we will try to compare the existing achievements and some acute problems in relations between the two countries, as well as formulate some suggestions for further ways to develop the Russian-Chinese dialogue. PARTNERSHIP ATMOSPHERE The visit of the Russian President to China in March 2006 may be called a turning point by future historians. It's not just that very important documents were signed and serious agreements were reached during the visit. One gets the impression that in the mid-2000s, the period in Russian-Chinese relations that some Chinese observers rightly characterized as "a lot of good words, few good deeds" was finally completed. In contrast to this position- page 120However, the parties approached the 2006 meeting with major concrete developments. Complex economic problems in a number of areas, in particular in the energy sector, have been met with breakthrough solutions. The strategic nature of Russian-Chinese cooperation, which wa ... Read more

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