V. M. MAZYRIN Candidate of Historical Sciences Russia Keywords:, Vietnam, trade and economic cooperation The peoples of Russia and Vietnam are traditionally linked by friendly relations, which since 2001 have received the status of "strategic partnership". Political interaction has intensified, including at the highest level, which is based on identical or similar approaches to most international and regional issues. Trade, economic and investment ties began to be restored. The exchange continues in the fields of science and technology, education and training, culture, tourism and interregional relations. However, as the leaders of both countries admit, the current state of trade and economic partnership does not yet correspond to the level and potential of our common relations, does not meet the aspirations of our governments and peoples. 1 Moreover, the Russian Federation supports that these relations should not be closed in a bilateral format, but cover the entire South-East Asia. As Vladimir Khristenko, chairman of the Russian part of the bilateral commission on trade, Economic, scientific and technical cooperation, said at a recent meeting, Vietnam is considered by Russia as a major regional center and a pillar in promoting Russian interests in the market of this region. In 2009, despite the global economic crisis, the mutual trade turnover not only did not decrease, but also increased thanks to the stimulus measures, although not to the same extent as in 2008. (by 62.5%). According to Russian data, the increase was 9% (compared to 11.5% in Vietnam) due to an increase of almost half in exports of Russian goods. According to our estimates, Russia's imports fell by 23%, and Vietnam's - by 62% at once, which may be due, among other reasons, to the closure of the Cherkizovo market in Moscow, which served as an important supply channel for Vietnamese goods (or Chinese goods that were counted as Vietnamese). The parties intend to increase their trade turnover to $ 3 ... Read more

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