In 2012, Russian science was enriched with a new work by a prominent Russian sinologist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, Director of the Institute of the Far East of the Russian Academy of Sciences M. L. Titarenko "Russia and its Asian partners in a globalizing world. Strategic Cooperation: Problems and Prospects "(Moscow, Forum Publishing House, 544 p.) (editor-in-chief, Doctor of Economics V. I. Shabalin). The new book is based on M. L. Titarenko's scientific articles, reports and speeches at various forums and conferences, including international ones, in 2008-2011. They provide scientific analysis, assessments and forecasts of the development of the situation in the regions and countries of Asia adjacent to Russia and examine the state, prospects and existing problems in cooperation and various relations between Russia and its Asian neighbors, primarily with China, India, two Korean states, Japan, as well as with Vietnam and other ASEAN countries. First of all, I would like to note that M. L. Titarenko has been defending and developing the idea of a "new Eurasianism" with enviable perseverance and determination in recent years (more precisely, since 1994), which is organically connected with the current problem of geopolitical self-identification of modern Russia as a great Euro-Pacific power (in particular, in the book "New Eurasianism" published in 2008).Geopolitical significance of the Far East. Russia, China and other Asian countries", a review of which was published in the journal "Asia and Africa Today"*). It is important to emphasize that the author's conclusions about the Eurasian self-identification of Russia have acquired today not just theoretical, but first of all concrete practical significance. The author considers it necessary to recall that insistent declarations, often voiced from the "Moscow heights", about the exclusive Eurocentric orientation of Russia and its absolute com ... Read more

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