In the magazine " Russian Speech "(2000. N 6) was published an article by G. A. Zavarzina " Without ideological layers (Socio-political vocabulary at the end of the XX century)", which examines the words that previously denoted the realities of foreign or pre-revolutionary reality. And in recent times, they have become actively used in application to the concepts of modern Russian life (for example, unemployment, strike, Duma, governor, etc.).
The reoriented vocabulary mainly affects the sphere of economic life in modern Russia, because it is here that there is an urgent need to designate many new phenomena for society related to the market economy and which have long had their own nomination abroad. First of all, it is necessary to highlight the key concepts of the market economy - business and entrepreneurship. Explanatory dictionaries of the older generation of Russian have preserved the ideological assessment of these words, reflecting the unacceptability of such phenomena in the economy of the Soviet state. The word business in the "Dictionary of the Russian Language" in 4 volumes under the editorship of A. P. Evgenieva (1981-1984, hereinafter MAC) is interpreted as "a business enterprise, a clever scam, etc. as a source of personal enrichment, profit" with the mark colloquial. And the word entrepreneurship-as "the activity of an entrepreneur; a tendency to set up profitable enterprises, to scams" with a note of disapproval.
However, during the perestroika period, it was precisely with entrepreneurial activity, with the development of big business, that hopes for the recovery of the destroyed economy were associated: "It is the district councils that should provide active support to the nascent state, cooperative and private businesses" (Leningr. truth. 1990. Aug 22). A change in ideology led to a different attitude towards business and entrepreneurship as typical phenomena of a market economy. And already in the " Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language ...
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