M. Mysl'. 1983. 294 p. 34th President of the United States D. Eisenhower appears in a new study by an international historian, senior researcher at the Institute of General History of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor R. F. Ivanov, as an active defender of the class interests of the US ruling circles. In the 1940s and early 1950s, Eisenhower was actively involved in the development of plans to launch atomic strikes against the USSR, unleash an all-out nuclear war against socialist countries and their occupation (plans "Totality", "Dropshot", "Solarium", etc.). the goal is to create a peacemaker aura around yourself. The author used documents and materials, including archival materials that were not previously mentioned in Soviet historiography, as well as recordings of conversations with people who knew Eisenhower - with his son John, a brigadier general in the reserve, a former US ambassador to Belgium, and the president's own brother Milton. In his political biography of Eisenhower, R. F. Ivanov paid special attention to the period of his tenure as President of the United States. Devoting the first two chapters of the book to the first fifty years of the president's life, the author introduces the reader to the events of World War II, connected with the formation of Eisenhower as a military figure of national and international scale. At the same time, it is emphasized that Eisenhower, like other military figures of the United States and Great Britain, was a consistent performer of the military-political concepts of the ruling circles of these countries, but at the same time he was also characterized by a certain political realism, which was manifested, in particular, when solving issues related to the opening of the second front in Europe, the capture of Berlin relations with the Soviet Ally as a whole. R. F. Ivanov makes extensive use of the five-volume collection of documents related to Eisenhower's wartime activities publish ... Read more

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