Peter Alekseevich Alekseev (1727-1801)
Among the outstanding figures of the Russian enlightenment of the XVIII century, the figure of Peter Alekseev is in many ways remarkable for his unusual nature, vivid temperament, theological and generally scientific knowledge, a lively, genuine interest in Russian history and its monuments, and finally for his literary and lexicographic experiments. The latter is mostly interesting for us, the philologists of the XXI century, and, oddly enough, in many ways instructive. But first we will focus on the dates of his biography. P. A. Alekseev was born in Moscow in 1727. His father was the sexton of the Zamoskvoretsky Church of St. John the Baptist. Peter A. Vengerov // Critical and biographical dictionary of Russian writers and scientists (from the beginning of Russian education to our days). Vol. I. SPb., 1886. p. 393). A. N. Korsakov, the publisher of his papers and one of the first biographers, writes that " without any patronage in the beginning, he managed to create a position in society that is not given without special abilities" (Korsakov A. N. Pyotr Alekseev, Archpriest of the Moscow Archangel Cathedral (1727-1801) / / Russian Archive. Vol. 2. 1880.p. 153). And it really is. He received his initial education at the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. In 1752, he was appointed a deacon, in 1857 - a priest of the Archangel Cathedral in Moscow, and later, from 1759, he held the position of catechist at the Imperial Moscow University, remaining in it until his death. In 1762, P. A. Alekseev was transferred to the Assumption Cathedral as a sacristan, and in 1771 Archbishop Ambrose (Zertys-Kamensky) appointed him archpriest of the Archangel Cathedral. In 1783. The Russian Academy of Sciences honored him with its election as a member. P. A. Alekseev died on July 22 (old style), 1801 and was buried in the Donskoy Monastery. For that time, which sharply regulated the nature of relations among the clergy to which he belonged, P. A. Alekseev was more than progressive. One can al ... Read more

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Peter Alekseevich Alekseev (1727-1801)

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