Introduction Comprehensive research on the Ukok plateau in 1990-1996 allowed us to obtain representative data on rock carvings of this archaeological microdistrict. Information about the presence of images on rocks and moraine stones here was introduced into scientific circulation by V. D. Kubarev [1980]. We have identified more than 50 locations with different image saturation on the plateau [Molodin, Cheremisin, and Novikov, 2004], and suggested periodization of petroglyphs and interpretation of individual plots [Molodin and Cheremisin, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1997; Molodin and Cheremisin, 1999, 2002]. Petroglyphs of the Kalgutinsky Mine monument, which, in our opinion, belong to the Upper Paleolithic era, were covered in the monograph [Molodin and Cheremisin, 1999]. The purpose of this article is to summarize the work done in Ukok, introduce the most significant complexes into scientific circulation, and try to build a periodization scheme for rock art in this area of Asia. Geographically, the Ukok plateau is a kind of oasis, convenient for cultivating hunting, fishing and cattle farms. Due to the easily traversable routes along the Ak-Alakha and Bukhtarma Rivers connecting it with neighboring territories in the south, north, west and east, as well as passes through mountain ranges in the south, Ukok seems to have been a transit zone for carriers of various cultures at all times (Fig. 1). The discovery of the Russian-Chinese border between the Ukok and the Ukok region is considered to beThe present "petroglyphic El Dorado" (Jacobson, Kubarev, Tseevendorj, 2001; Kubarev, Tseevendorj, and Yakobson, 2005) by the Mongol-American expedition in the neighboring region of Central Asia, in the Mongolian Altai, indicates that carriers of various archaeological cultures penetrated the plateau; the Ulan-Daba pass and the Sailugem ridge connect Ukok with Central Asia. Undoubtedly, in comparison with the petroglyphic massif discovered by V. D. Kubarev, D. Tseveendorzh and E. Yakobso ... Read more

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