On December 23, 2000, in Izvestia, another review of the TV week was titled by Yuri Bogomolov in one word: "Protivosidenie". And in the review itself, we read: "After an almost unanimous vote at the Federation Council, there was an educational listening session to Alexandrov's music. And immediately followed by a training stand-up. As well as the academic non-introduction of Nikolai Fedorov. ...The educational confrontation, or rather "counter-attack", turned out to be visual and had a digital expression-one against one hundred and forty-four."
There is no anti-oxidation in the tongue. This is not a language word, but a speech word (occasional). It was formed by analogy with the opposition. But if opposition is a verbal noun (which has long been in the language and was formed from resist), then opposition is created in the so-called interlaced way (the verb step is omitted). Sometimes this method of word production is used to create a pun, or even to express irony or sarcasm, as, for example, the word otegotina created in the 60s of the last century by B. Agapov by analogy with otsebyatina (the latter originated among painters in the first half of the XIX century. from the phrase from yourself, which called the work of an artist without a sitter and nature). Otegotina, returning to the word otsebyatina
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(through the revival of its internal form) the primary meaning and without canceling the secondary, abstract, combined direct and figurative meanings (B. Agapov, referring to Stalin's treatment of certain art trends as otsebyatiny, remarked: "as if otegotina were better").
Y. Bogomolov "took out" the standing position from the confrontation by inserting a seat. At the same time, it returned the outdated value to the opposition ("stand in front of someone-something-n". Explanatory dictionary edited by D. N. Ushakov), reviving the inner form of the word. However, in this context, the confrontation still has a different meaning: "To be opposed, to be opposed" (T ...
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