The language as a cultural monument needs careful and loving attitude. A. I. Solzhenitsyn, who actively promotes lexical expansion, is deeply aware of this. The writer believes that many Russian words were undeservedly discarded "due to the haste of our century, the carelessness of word usage and the idle Soviet custom" (Russian Dictionary of Language expansion. Compiled by A. I. Solzhenitsyn. Moscow, 1990. p. 3; further-RSNR and p.). This position even allowed the French Slavist Georges Niva to categorically assert that "all Solzhenitsyn's art begins with a revolt against the ideological word, speech with lies embedded in it" (Niva Georges. Solzhenitsyn, Moscow, 1992, p. 20). A. I. Solzhenitsyn is committed to the views of the language of V. I. Dahl, a connoisseur and connoisseur of folk speech, who believed that "a living folk language that preserves the spirit of life in freshness, which gives the language firmness, clarity, integrity and beauty, should serve as a source and treasury for the development of educated speech" (Dahl V. I. Explanatory Dictionary., 1994. T. I. P. 22). The writer turns to Dahl's Dictionary in order to choose full-blooded, expressive, but little-used words that can return to the language of artistic works, to the literary vocabulary. The selection process was thorough: "... I first read all four volumes of Dahl in a row, very carefully, and wrote out words and expressions in a form that was convenient for coverage, repetition and use. Then I found these extracts still too cumbersome and began to extract the second one from the first squeeze, and then the third one from the second " (RSNR, 3). The author has been working on the RSNR, which contains about 30 thousand words and expressions, for forty years. In the" Explanation "to the RSNR, A. I. Solzhenitsyn writes about his acquaintance with historical attempts to restore "previously accumulated and then lost riches" in 19th-century France, considering this way of expanding the language t ... Read more

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