The rules for writing together or separately are NOT very complex; they are based on a variety of criteria that can be difficult to take into account when writing. Therefore, there is a discrepancy in the spelling of the same words in almost identical contexts. However, the number of such words is not too large, as it may seem.
Speaking about the particle NOT, it is necessary to remember that there are two particles: contrastive and general negative (Kreidlin G. E., Paducheva E. V. Interaction of associative relations and actual division in a sentence with the union D/ / NTI. 1974. Ser. 2. N 9. pp. 32-37). The opposite particle (not.., and) is always written separately, and the spelling of the general negative prefix particle depends on the role in the actual sentence division. From a theoretical point of view, the least likely occurrence of words with variable spelling in the position of the subject and circumstances of the mode of action; the most likely syntactic position of words with variable spelling is the position of the predicate (see for more details Beshenkova E. V. Linguistic justification of the rule of combined / separate writing NOT / / Vestnik Tambov. un-ta. Issue 3. Tambov, 2000, pp. 93-103). Observation of writing practice confirms these theoretical assumptions, although there are also fluctuations in theoretically unpredictable contexts. In this article, we will look at the behavior of only one group of words that appear in the predicate position - these are adverbs.
Among the so-called predicative adverbs, there are two groups: the na-o adverbs and the others. The spelling of adverbs is not automatically determined by dictionaries. Regardless of the context, we deny it
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we either affirm, we focus on negation or not, regardless of any other conditions, we define the spelling according to the dictionary: unbearable, not in order, not entitled, not serious, not against, not against, etc.
The spelling of adverbs on-o follows the general rule, ...
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