LEXICOGRAPHIC INCIDENTS. Do you know the word silje?
In the "Consolidated Dictionary of Modern Russian Vocabulary" there is only one index against this word-B, which denotes a "large" academic dictionary (in 17 volumes). Here is a dictionary entry: Silje, I, cf. Obl. The same as snare (in the 1st value). Grouse are caught a lot in swarms. This whole projectile consists of a tilted knot, to the end of which a hair snare is attached. S. Aks. Zap. ruzheyn. 4. Ferrets get caught in ushkany loops... and in silja, placed on grouse and partridges. Cherkas. Zap. okhotn. East Sib. P, 1. There is another word with the same meaning in this dictionary. Silo, a, cf. Obl. The same as snare (in the 1st value). When one hollow tree gets caught in silo, it starts to struggle and flutter, others will rush to beat it. S. Aks. Zap. ruzheyn. the hunter... 1. - Sreznevsky: silo; Weismannov Lex. 1731. P. 187: silo; Ross. Cellarius 1771. p. 458: silo; Alekseev, Tserk. words, 1773: silo. Please note that the second article has several references to old dictionaries in the reference part, while the first one does not have any. Another feature: the word silo is illustrated only by the singular form, and the word silje is illustrated only by the plural forms: silya, silyami. (Note that two of the three examples given in the two dictionary entries are from the same work by S. T. Aksakov.) Why isn't the word silo plural and the word silje singular? Everything becomes clear if you look at Ushakov's dictionary (to which for some reason there is no reference in the reference part B). SILO, a, pl. sila, sil, and silya, silyev, wed. (region). The same as a snare. So, the word silje does not exist in Russian! There is a regional, dialect word silo, which has variants of plural forms with" building up " j in the base: silya, silev, silyam, silyam; cf.: link-links, wing-wings, feather-feathers, etc. The word silje was "created" by the author of dictionary entry B, "extracting" it from the plural forms that were found in the texts! By doing this, you can g ... Read more

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LEXICOGRAPHIC INCIDENTS. Do you know the word silje?

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