L. K. Graudina, G. I. Kochetkova. RUSSIAN RHETORIC
The book by L. K. Graudina and G. I. Kochetkova "Russian Rhetoric" (Moscow, 2001) introduces the reader to the richest Russian literature on rhetoric and the best examples of eloquence in its various genera and types. In this regard, it is impossible not to recall another book with almost the same title, published in 1996: "Russian Rhetoric. Anthology" (compiled by L. K. Graudin). The new book is mainly intended for teaching rhetoric in humanities universities (in the first years) and in high schools of gymnasiums, lyceums and secondary schools. Interest in rhetoric, in the art of eloquence, continues to grow not only among teachers of literature, but also in the most seemingly distant circles of the intelligentsia from philology. Today, this interest is dictated by the revision of the principles of humanitarian education, progressive changes in this area, which, not without difficulties and overcoming the established stagnant tradition, persistently make their way into life. Let's pay attention to the peculiarities of the "Russian Rhetoric" of 2001. It shows the origins and major stages of the history of Russian rhetoric. Sections of the book are devoted to this - "The Origins of eloquence" and "Traditions of eloquence in Russia". The book contains relatively complete descriptions of the most famous Russian rhetorics in close connection with the lives of scientists, teachers and other figures who worked in this field. These are the pages devoted to F.'s rhetorical ideas. Prokopovich, M. V. Lomonosov, M. M. Speransky, N. Ya. Koshansky, A. I. Galich and others. At the same time, sections dealing with modern teaching of rhetoric and speech culture as an established scientific discipline have been developed in sufficient depth. This is especially pronounced in the part of the book called "Rhetoric, speech culture and norms of modern literary language". The book also covers the features and norms of speech in different styles, situations, and genres. The content of the ... Read more

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L. K. Graudina, G. I. Kochetkova. RUSSIAN RHETORIC

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