KUNPEN TIBETAN MEDICINE CENTER IN KATHMANDU 1 Kunphen Tibetan Medical Center in Kathmandu (Tib: kun phan sman khang, literally: "A center of Tibetan medicine that benefits everyone") It was founded by traditional Tibetan Doctor (emchi) Kunsang in 1962. Emchi Kunsang (kun bsang) was born in 1924 in the small Tibetan town of Dingri (Tib.: sding ri), in the literature he was assigned the name "Gateway to Mount Everest". At the age of twelve, he set out on foot for Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and thanks to his intelligence and good memory, was accepted as an apprentice to the medical luminary Professor Kienrab nor bu (Tib: mkhas dbang mkhyen rab nor bu, 1883-1962). In the history of Tibetan medicine, Kyonrab Norbu is known as a prominent scientist, practicing doctor, author of numerous medical works, personal physician (tib.: bla sman) of the XIII Dalai Lama Agwan Lobsan Thubten Gyatso (tib.: ngag dbang bio bzang thub bstan rgya mtsho, 1876-1933), who played a significant role in the development and transformation the Tibetan medical system in the XX century. For many years he taught at the Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology (sman rtsi khang - "House of Medicine and Astrology") in Lhasa (founded in 1916). At the same time, Kyonrab Norbu headed the state medical school in Chagpori (lcags po ri, "Iron Hill"), founded in 1696 by Desi Sangye Gyatso (Tibet.: sde Srid Rgya Mtsho, 1653 - 1705), an outstanding Tibetan scholar, astute politician and regent of the V Dalai Lama Agwan Lobsan Gyatso (Tib.: ngag dbang rgya mtsho, 1617-1682). While studying in Lhasa, the student Kunsang, who possessed outstanding abilities, mastered a wide range of medical disciplines, studied the subtleties of pharmacology, pharmacognosy, pharmacopoeia, which were separated by the XVII century into an independent branch of medical knowledge in Tibet, as well as Buddhist philosophy, natural sciences, Buddhist art and wood carving. According to Kunsang, only a comprehensive and systematic stu ... Read more

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