Jacob and Isidore-Solovetsky guardians of spiritual culture
By the end of the 16th century, the Solovetsky Monastery had become one of the largest cultural centers of the Russian North. Here the correspondence of manuscripts was conducted, a local chronicler was created, the "Life of Metropolitan Philip of Moscow" Kolychev appeared, during whose time as abbot the monastery on the White Sea coast, founded by Zosima and Savvati, became one of the most significant monasteries in a huge country. Abbots Iakov and Isidor became the most prominent Solovetsky scribes of the last decades of the XVI century. A disciple of St. Philip, Metropolitan of Moscow, James took vows at Solovki in 1563 (64), and nine years later became abbot of the Paleostrovsky Rozhdestvensky Monastery on Lake Onega. In 1581, about two years later, after returning from the "Pagliet Island", Jacob became the abbot of the Solovetsky monastery. According to the monastery chronicler, the brethren asked Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich for this. Soon, after returning from the emperor's visit, the new abbot "began to divide the city of Kamennaya in Solovki, and in Sumy volost [which was often attacked by the Swedes. - Ya. S.] put [service people and peasants. - Ya. S.] ostrog " (Koretsky V. I. Solovetsky letopisets kontsa XVI v. [Solovetsky chronicler of the end of the XVI century]. Like " sogradite- page 66 la "chudnago stenozdaniya" on the Solovetsky "otok", that is, the island, Jacob was remembered for a long time (Monuments of literature of Ancient Russia: XVII century. Moscow, 1988. Book 1), although the architect of the fortress was the monk Trifon. James took part in church councils that decided to limit monastic land ownership, raise Metropolitan Job to the rank of Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, and elect Boris Godunov to the kingdom. After leaving Solovki in 1597, Yakov became the first archimandrite of the Trinity Ipatievsky Monastery near Kostroma. Like the Metropolitans Macarius and Athanasius, James was engaged in icon painting. In the Ipatiev monastery, Yakov ... Read more

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