The mood of a delayed or, on the contrary, returned childhood is unusually strong in Japan, and the spirit of infantilism has penetrated Japanese culture so deeply that sometimes it even seems that previously reasonable and rational Japanese people are not without pleasure plunged headlong into this happy and for many nostalgic world. And Japanese society itself, despite its social isolation, traditional numerous regulations and rationalism of thinking, seems to have long accepted the conditions of this universal exciting game in childhood. Tokyo and other major cities in Japan are decorated with colorful posters with popular manga and anime characters, which are a serious competition for advertising beer and household appliances. Shop windows and even drugstores were filled with cute doll characters - real and virtual-not to mention the largest specialized toy shopping centers, one of which, under the name "Kitty run-do" (Kitty Land), recently appeared on the most fashionable street in Tokyo Omotesando. Not only children and teenagers, but almost every adult has a mandatory accessory - keychains with funny faces, bells, bows and other intricate little things attached to bags, purses and mobile phones. And in the crowd every now and then a young employee or a solid businessman will flash by in a tie with dogs or lion cubs, or a female iola person will appear in a scarf with the image of kittens, monkeys and other touching creatures. CHILDREN'S GAMES FOR ADULTS The need to stay and look young is dictated today by the mass media, manufacturers of everyday goods, as well as ubiquitous advertising, which have reoriented their marketing strategy exclusively to youth standards, fully understanding their enduring power. And global shifts in the value orientations of the population, increased material wealth at times, the rapid development of new technologies and the amazing success of medicine sometimes push the Japanese into an endless pursuit of the "Makropulos remedy", ... Read more

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