The development of the art and technique of photography in the Land of the Rising Sun is based on the same philosophical and aesthetic principles as the traditional culture of Japan, and its connection with Japanese engraving and other fine arts is obvious. Japan Keywords:, photography, photo equipment, culture Japan remains the main producer of photographic equipment in the world. Most of the largest players in the photographic equipment market, such as Konica, Minolta, Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm, Mamiya, Sony, Pentax, Tamron, Sigma and Kenko, appeared in the Japanese archipelago. PHOTOGRAPHY AS A PHENOMENON OF JAPANESE CULTURE Japanese people are very fond of taking pictures. There are several reasons for this. After all, photography is the same attempt to reflect the moment, the moment, as is typical of Buddhist philosophy. It was a single moment of life that served as the basis for the ukiyo-e prints. In part, photography has taken over the functions of these prints in modern Japanese society. Visibility is the most important principle of photography, and visuality is one of the key elements of Japanese perception of life. Tsukimi (admiring the moon), hanami (admiring the cherry blossom), shiki (perceiving 4 seasons), and observing nature and the surrounding world occupy a large place in Japanese culture. Naturally, this could not but be reflected in photography as a new art form. Photographers often choose few subjects or themes, but bring the skill of shooting their favorite subject to perfection. Examples include the works of Manabu Watanabe, who takes a bird's-eye view of Japan 1; Rocky Tanaka, who specializes in photographs of Mount Fuji 2; and Yuji Saiga, who since 1974 has made the main subject of his photographs the abandoned Hashima Island in Nagasaki Prefecture, better known as Gunkanjima ("Warship Island") 3. NORIO KOBAYASHI Film photography reached its peak of popularity in the late 1980s. In the beginning of the XXI century, the situation changed dramat ... Read more

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