In recent years, we have increasingly encountered such a concept as cyberculture - a new civilizational phenomenon of a planetary nature, which is organically integrated into the globalization processes. We are talking about a direction in culture based on the use of constantly updated virtual reality technologies. There are different formulations of this phenomenon, and one of the most common is: cyberculture is "a culture that has been formed or is being formed as a result of using computer networks for communication, entertainment, and business"1. Cyberculture has already quite clearly formed its audience, having received the main circulation among young people - its main consumers and creators. That is why cyberculture is often considered not only in a global format, but also as a youth subculture that includes "a system of values, behavioral patterns, and life style of any social group, which is an independent integral entity within the framework of the dominant culture".2. At the same time, it is assumed that subculture arises as "a positive or negative reaction to the prevailing culture and social structure in society among various social strata and age groups"3. It seems that both points of view have a right to exist. Consideration of this problem includes a variety of aspects and, of course, national characteristics. An example is Japan, which has created probably the most developed and most diverse cyberculture in the world thanks to both its modern technological achievements and the relevance and diversity of mass culture that has saturated them with its content. THE ORIGINS OF CYBERCULTURE IN JAPAN Cyberculture as a global phenomenon emerged thanks to the Internet, and the history of its development can be traced in close connection with the stages of evolution of the global information network. Paradoxically, it was in the 1990s, marked by a prolonged economic depression in Japan, that the new Japanese digital culture was born and flourished. There is a ... Read more

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