INDONESIANS AND THEIR NEIGHBORS. Festschrift E. V. Revunenkova and A. K. Ogloblin. Editor's note. and comp. by M. V. Stanyukovich, St. Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2008. 432 p.; 16 figs. (Maklaevsky collection. Issue 1) An important event for those who have devoted themselves to the study of the countries of Southeast Asia and Oceania was the celebration in January 2009 of the 70th anniversary of two outstanding scientists-Doctor of Historical Sciences E. V. Revunenkova and Doctor of Physical Sciences A. K. Ogloblin. A few years ago, their friends and colleagues from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Jakarta, and Paris already celebrated the 40th anniversary of their scientific activities at the annual conference of the St. Petersburg Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography. Peter the Great (Kunstkamera) - "Maklai readings". The reviewed collection is based on the reports read at this conference, as well as a number of articles by its "correspondence" participants. For obvious reasons, the number of specialists engaged in studying such a vast region in our country is relatively small and is mainly limited to Moscow and St. Petersburg. However, it was this fact that became the key to the cohesion of scientists, formed the basis for their desire for a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to the study of the widest range of humanitarian problems in the region under study. This trend can be easily traced in the material of such ongoing publications as " Malay-Indonesian Studies "(Moscow) and "Maklaevsky Readings", now published in a new format under the name "Maklaevsky collection" (St. Petersburg). A peer-reviewed book is no exception in this sense, and its materials cover a wide range of disciplines: history, anthropology, ethnography, linguistics, art studies, philosophy, literature, theater, and religious studies. The impressive bibliography of the works of E. V. Revunenkova and A. K. Ogloblin, which opens the collection, sets the tone for all subsequent materials: it contains vo ... Read more

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