INDONESIAN INTELLIGENCE1 During the entire period of the "new order" regime in Indonesia, which took shape in 1965 - 1968, ensuring internal and external national security was the exclusive prerogative of the military and intelligence establishment, directly subordinate to President Suharto. Its original core 1 Zulkifli Lubis, who gained his first experience in this field as a Japanese military intelligence officer during the occupation, was one of the founders of the Indonesian special services. After the declaration of independence of the republic, he initiated the creation of the State Secret Directorate of Warfare, the prototype of the national Security and Intelligence Service. In 1952, it was transformed into the Information Bureau of the Armed Forces Headquarters (BISAP). In the future, the paths of Z. Lubis and the then President of Indonesia Sukarno diverged diametrically. The first turned out to be in the ranks of anti-government rebels, surrendered to the authorities after their defeat, and was imprisoned. He was released in 1966 after Suharto came to power. After unsuccessful attempts to return to the special agencies, he retired from active work. page 93It was formed on the basis of a narrow group of senior officers who served under Suharto in the Central Java military district "Diponegoro", in the command for the liberation of Western Irian and the strategic reserve of the ground forces (KOSTRAD). This group included Yoga Sugomo, Ali Murtopo, Leonardus Benjamin (Benny) Murdani, and other less prominent figures. The members of this group maintained relations with Suharto mainly on an individual basis. But they all shared similar points of view on key national security issues and showed a willingness to work together in critical situations at the initial stage. Suharto owed much to their advancement in the military hierarchy and rise to power. In particular, there is an opinion that Yoga Sugomo, who headed the KOSTRAD intelligence service, was the figure ... Read more

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