On July 15, 2008, a good, friendly, talented person passed away, who was persistent in adversity and did not take credit for success. And perhaps most importantly, Igor Alexandrovich managed to happily and fruitfully combine the talent of a scientist with practical activities in the field of Oriental studies, or rather, Vietnamese studies, to which he was devoted almost all his life: from the first year of the history department of Moscow State University to its last days. During his university years, he became a student of Academician A. A. Huber and one of the first qualified domestic specialists in Vietnam and experts in what was not studied in our country until the 50s of the XX century. the language. Igor Alexandrovich worked in Vietnam as both a translator and a high-ranking diplomat, for many years he was an employee of the International Department of the Central Committee of the CPSU, involved in the "kitchen" of Soviet-Vietnamese relations in all their complexity and variability, and, finally, was an Oriental scholar who wrote at the dawn of his career (he began his career as a junior as a researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences), a very good book about the Taishon people's uprising in the last third of the XVIII century is almost the first full - fledged historical study in Russian Vietnamese studies. Vietnam became not just the main interest in Igor Alexandrovich's life, but his affection and great never-ending love. At various stages of his life, he retained an attitude towards Vietnam that was not that of an outsider, but that of a man who devoted himself to the country and remained true to his choice. The charming, precisely charming article (later it became a chapter in the last book of I. A. Ognetov "In the Vietnamese direction")" And in the Vietnamese language there are six tones...", published in the magazine" Vostok (Oriens)", is writt ... Read more

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