It is difficult to overestimate the role of a personal name in every person's life. This is a kind of "business card" that appears at birth and is presented millions of times. As another famous collector of personal names of the XIX century M. Ya. Moroshkin noted, "personal names are important and significant not only as a material of language, but also as a monument of popular views, concepts and ideas, and they often reflect the character and spirit of the people better than all other historical monuments" (Slavyansky imenoslov, or Collection of Slavic personal names). names in alphabetical order. St. Petersburg, 1867).
When applied to a person, the name means " the personal name of a person given to him at birth "(Dictionary of the Russian language. In 4 volumes, Moscow, 1981. Vol. I). This first and main meaning underlies the conceptual content of the composite anthroponymic term personal name, which defines the main anthroponymic category: "personal names are words that are assigned to people at birth and by which they are known in society" (Chichagov V. K. History of Russian names, patronymics and surnames. Moscow, 1959).
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The word name is already known to the first written monuments, in which it is represented with several meanings 1. The name of a person: "Just be and other brother named Eremia" (Novgorod 4 Chronicle. A tale of bygone years. 1074); "His name was called Vsevolod" (Lavrentievskaya chronicle. A Tale of Bygone Years, 1024) and others. 2.Name (geographical, ethnic, etc.): "And come to a German place named Sertse" (Ipatiev chronicle. 1246); "On retsa imyanem Marava" (Lavrentievskaya chronicle. A Tale of Bygone Years, 1048) and others. 3. Naming of a person as a whole: "Voivode named Sbyslav Yakunovich Novgorodets "(Suzdal chronicle, 1263), etc. 4. A loud name, glory: "And someone who did not come to emotion when he saw his family go to the grave, and his name faded away" (Izbornik Svyatoslav. 1076) and others.
The first three meanings were ...
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