Ethos of the History of Science: on the Reconstruction of Russian Religious Studies of the Soviet Period
Discussion of the collective monograph "Science of Religion", "Scientific atheism", "Religious Studies": actual problems of scientific study of religion in Russia in the XX-early XXI centuries" Marianna Shakhnovich The Ethos of the History of Science: a Reconstruction of Religious Studies in Soviet Russia Marianna Shakhnovich - Professor and Chair, Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies, Saint-Petersburg State University. The paper provides a review and reflections on the book "The Science of Religion, Scientific Atheism, Religious Studies: Issues of the Scientific Study of Religion in Russia in the Twentieth and Early Twenty-First Century" (Ed. by K.M.Antonov, Moscow, 2014). The author of the review critically examines the volume in terms of the basic principles of the study of the history of science. In the author's opinion, the lack of archival materials as the basic source of research, as well as an absence of carefully presented bibliography of the history of religious studies in the twentieth century Russia, did not allow the contributors to give professional answers to the questions they put in the volume. Keywords: science of religion, scientific atheism, "repressed science", historiography of the study of religion in the USSR. Shakhnovich M. Ethos of the History of Science: on the Reconstruction of Russian Religious Studies of the Soviet period.Gosudarstvo, religiya, tserkva v Rossii i za rubezhom [State, Religion, Church in Russia and Abroad]. 2015. N 1 (33). pp. 185-197. Shakhnovich, M. (2015) "The Ethos of the History of Science: a Reconstruction of Religious Studies in Soviet Russia". Gosudarstvo, religiia, tserkov' v Rossii i za rubezhom 33 (1): 185 - 197. page 185Over the past twenty-five years, many profound and informative works have appeared on the intellectual history of science in Russia during the Soviet period, exploring the influence of ideology on the development of natural science and the humanities, tellin ... Read more

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Ethos of the History of Science: on the Reconstruction of Russian Religious Studies of the Soviet Period

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