Emotions in a folk fairy tale
The specific nature of the fairy tale genre determines the originality of the image of the emotions of its characters. The narrator focuses on the entertaining and dynamic nature of the plot, and the description of the psychological state of the hera is subordinated to this. Let's see what traditional stylistic techniques storytellers use when mentioning the feelings and experiences of the characters, and why the fairy tale still pays attention to this. The material for the study was the most reliable collections of fairy tales in terms of language: Zelenin D. K. Great Russian fairy tales of the Vyatka province. Pg., 1915, hereinafter-ZV; Zelenin D. K. Great Russian fairy tales of the Perm province. Pg., 1914, hereinafter-ZP ; North Russian fairy tales in the records of A. I. Nikiforov. Moscow-L., 1961, further - N.; Onchukov N. E. Severnye skazki, SPb., 1908, further-O; Sokolov B. M. and Yu. M. Skazki i pesni Belozerskogo kraya. M., 1915, further-S ; Velikorusskie skazki v zapiski I. A. Khudyakov. M. - L., 1964, further - X. The list of emotions experienced by the heroes of fairy tales is small. After parting with their loved ones, they grieve: "This king waited for his son for a month, he could not wait, he went away in sorrow" (O. S. 38); "The king takes him by the hands, he wept himself... And from that time the king gave himself up to sorrow and gave himself up to old age "(Kh. p. 54). They are angry with their enemies: "Now the firebird is also angry with her middle sister..." (ZP. p. 384); " Then the king shouted angrily at them: "Heads off your shoulders to you... "" (O. S. 185); "She is enraged, draws her sharp sword..." (H. S. 93). page 98 They are afraid of dangers: "Then Ivan Tsarevich made this maiden afraid" (O. S. 13); " The serpent spouched and fell off Ivan Tsarevich..."(O. S. 42); "He was afraid, did not go" (ZV. p. 351). The feeling of boredom can act as a motivating function. For example, the verbs I missed you, I missed you perform the function ... Read more

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Emotions in a folk fairy tale

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