ENERGY DIMENSIONS OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITY IN EAST ASIA. Edited by A. V. Torkunov, scientific editor. - Comp. A.D. Voskresensky, Moscow: MGIMO, 2007, 1040 p.
A large team of historians, economists, political scientists, and journalists (47 people) has written a book, the genre of which is difficult to determine: this is not a collective monograph, since each chapter has an author, and not a collection of articles, since the logic of the content is strictly maintained for all sections and chapters. The authors themselves have defined it as a "MGIMO-BiPi project", and this is probably correct. The book is a report on the results of the joint work of a large group of specialists on a complex and urgent task-how energy supply and security are connected in East Asia. Among the participants are well-known experts and scientists from Russia, as well as from China, Japan, South Korea, Great Britain and the United States. Sections and chapters are written differently by these authors, but there are no weak or unsuccessful works in the book. There is a lot of concrete information in all parts, and the conclusions are justified. The book is interesting in three aspects.
First, it deals in detail with a large and important issue for Russia and international relations: energy supply and its peculiarities in a region as important for the world economy and our country as East Asia. The authors show that difficulties in importing fuel can undermine economic growth in the region. One of the reasons for the difficulties may be instability caused by international terrorism. At the same time, to ensure the safety of transport flows, interested countries are ready to adjust their security policies. The full range of these complex problems is discussed in detail.
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with a detailed description of various scenarios of economic development, a description of threats, extremist organizations and movements, the military potential of countries and the political interests o ...
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