The dictionary "Culture of Speech from A to Z" was recently published, which is an example of a harmonious combination of humanitarian and technical branches of knowledge. The content of this dictionary was provided by its direct author, N. V. Muravyeva, and the technical equipment was provided by employees of the Termika consulting group (, which put this work in electronic form in the environment of the Codex information system.
The dictionary "Speech Culture from A to Z" includes words and phrases of a terminological nature that denote concepts from the field of speech culture, rhetoric and stylistics. Therefore, the audience of its potential users is infinitely wide. The dictionary will be a great help in learning the basics of the Russian language for everyone who has this subject is mandatory. Moreover, it will be useful both for schoolchildren and students (especially for those of their representatives who have long been tired of traditional "paper" education), and for teachers and teachers, regardless of the educational institution. In addition, the dictionary can become a "reference book" for developers of press services, public relations managers, etc. And finally, it is indispensable for all those who just want to be able to use their native speech correctly and correctly maintain small talk both in the official language (why not read it to senior employees?), and at an unofficial level (why would you blush in front of your own children?) levels. It is pleasant to note that this electronic publication already "brings culture" to the masses on a "federal scale": the dictionary "Culture of speech from A to Z" is publicly available in the corporate network of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, so now any "people's deputy" - a deputy of the third convocation, will be able to raise their cultural level without leaving the workplace.
For more information and to purchase the dictionary reference book "Speech Culture ...
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