Criticism and bibliography. Reviews. Universal History by N. POPESCU-DOREANU. "THE REVOLUTION OF 1848 IN ROMANIA AND NICOLAE BALCESCU"
N. POPESCU-DOREANU. Nicolae Balcescu st revolutia dela 1848. Bucuresti. 1948. 163 p. N. POPESCU-DOREANU. "The Revolution of 1848 in Romania and Nicolae Balcescu". Foreword by Yu. Zvyagin. Moscow. 1950. 163. p. The reviewed book was published in 1948 in Bucharest on the occasion of the centenary of the Wallachian Revolution of 1848. In 1950. it was translated into Russian and published by a foreign literature publishing house under the title "The Revolution of 1848 in Romania and Nicolae Balcescu". The author of the book, Minister of Education of the Romanian People's Republic N. Popescu-Doreanu, is the head of the Department of History at Bucharest Parhon University. N. Popescu-Doreanu's book "The Revolution of 1848 and Nicolae Balcescu" examines the role of the prominent Romanian thinker and revolutionary Nicolae Balcescu in the 1848 revolution in Wallachia and in the struggle of Transylvanian Romanians in 1848-1849. The Romanian bourgeois historians Iorga, Xenopol and others falsify the history of the revolution of 1848. and the leading figures of the National Liberal Party, Dinu Bratianu, Angelescu, G. Bratianu, etc. they obscured the role of the revolutionary democrat Nicolae Balcescu and, contrary to historical reality, tried to extol the activities of traitors to the interests of the masses-Ion Eliade Radulescu, I. Bratianu and others, page 144 Popescu-Doreanu's peer-reviewed work exposes bourgeois falsifiers and shows the leading role of Nicolae Balcescu in developing the advanced program for which the Romanian revolutionaries fought, as well as his active struggle for the implementation of this program. Nicolae Balcescu (1819-1852) was one of the most prominent Romanian thinkers and revolutionaries of the 19th century, an ideologist of the advanced part of Romanian society at that time, a supporter of the cooperation of Transylvanian Romanians with the Hungarian revolutionaries who fought in 1848 against the Habsburg Empire. The aut ... Read more

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Criticism and bibliography. Reviews. Universal History by N. POPESCU-DOREANU. "THE REVOLUTION OF 1848 IN ROMANIA AND NICOLAE BALCESCU"

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