Christian Confessions of Soviet Belarus in 1929-1939: Active and Passive Forms of Resistance
AT the TURN of 1928 - 1929 in the USSR there was a significant change in the entire course of state policy towards religious organizations. "The period of relatively calm contacts with them [religious organizations] has been replaced by a long period of extremely militant, intolerant attitude towards the Church."1. Moreover, in terms of the nature of the measures taken, the religious policy of the state in this historical period is comparable to that of the Civil War and the seizure of church valuables, but the scale of persecution of believers far exceeded similar phenomena at the turn of the 1910s-1920s. Cardinal changes in the religious policy of the Soviet state are connected with general economic and political changes in the country: with the processes of accelerated industrialization and general collectivization, as well as with the ideology of "aggravation of the class struggle". This chronological period (1929-1939) can be roughly divided into several stages, taking into account the degree of intensity of administrative influences and repressive measures in the state's policy in the field of religion: 1) 1929-1930-the adoption of the law "On Religious Associations", the policy of general collectivization and related dekulakization of the population; under its sign, the mass movement was carried out.- Russkaya Pravoslavnaya Tserkva pri Stalinu i Khrushchev (Gosudarstvenno-tserkovnye otnosheniya SSSR v 1939-1964 godakh) [Russian Orthodox Church under Stalin and Khrushchev (State - Church relations of the USSR in 1939-1964)]. Moscow: Krutitskoe Patriarshoe Podvorye; Obshchestvo lyubiteley tserkvnoi istorii, 2000, p. 87. page 181military closure of churches and repression of clergy and ordinary believers; 2) 1930-1931 - a period of easing pressure on religious organizations; related to the article by I. V. Stalin "Dizziness from success", published in the newspaper "Pravda" N60 of March 2, 1930, in which he criticizes excesses in local religious policy related t ... Read more

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Christian Confessions of Soviet Belarus in 1929-1939: Active and Passive Forms of Resistance

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