V. S. KUZNETSOV Doctor of Historical Sciences Hong Kong (Hong Kong) - the southern gate of China, in a sense, the business card of the country too. China is a country where the influence of Buddhism is strong, as clearly evidenced by the giant statue of Buddha that stands on the picturesque Lantou Island in the south-west of Hong Kong. Erected in 1993, this 34-meter-high statue is the world's largest outdoor statue of a Shakya Muni. The Buddha sits on a lotus throne atop an altar of three platforms. It is surrounded by eight bronze statues representing the immortal gods. Unlike most Buddha statues, which face south, this Buddha faces north, in the direction of the Chinese mainland. The statue is called Tiantang Buddha, as its pedestal is copied from the Tiantang altar, the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. BAYTA PAGODA VIEW The white bulk of the Bayta (White Pagoda) rose high above Beijing. The ancient building, which stands on the shore of Lake Beihai (North Sea), for more than one century clearly demonstrates how firm the foundations of Buddhism are on Chinese soil. "Beijing," says an old friend of mine, " is a Buddhist city. Look at all the Buddhist symbols around you. Yes, there, "he points to a passing car," it has a Buddhist wheel (with seven hubs. - V. K.). The pagoda is always crowded. Externally, the Byte impresses with its size. You need to raise your head high to see it for sure. Beyond the walls of the pagoda is a complex world of Buddhist spirituality and practice. It opens if you go through narrow passages through the inner halls of the pagoda, from top to bottom. Each tier contains a specific topic: chronological tables, commandments, and practice. The stone statue of the male deity sits impassively and majestically, as if it does not see or feel the divine woman clinging tightly to it. The esoteric spirit of Buddhism is clearly reflected in this silent scene. The mentors ' thoughts and words materialized in a pair of majestic statues. This pagoda in the c ... Read more

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