Boris Samoilovich Schwarzkopf (1923-2001)
In memory of a colleague The life of Boris Samoilovich Schwarzkopf developed in such a way that his main scientific activity took place within the walls of the Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences (then the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences) from the day he joined the Department of Culture of Russian speech in 1958 (as a senior scientific and technical employee) until the last day - November 8, 2001- a day of unexpected, sudden death. Boris Samoilovich was invited to work at the Institute by Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov, the founder of a new linguistic discipline - the culture of speech - just at the time when its formation and formation was just beginning. Let us recall that the sector of culture of Russian speech and modern literary language was created by SI. Ozhegov and the director of the Institute, Academician V. V. Vinogradov, in 1952. A young, creatively active research team started working on the linguistic problems of the newly created sector almost from scratch. At the suggestion of S. I. Ozhegov, the publication of a non-periodic series entitled "Questions of Speech Culture" was undertaken, eight issues of which were widely published (1955 - 1967). One of the editors - in-chief of the Russkaya Rech magazine, V. P. Vompersky, once spoke well about this series: "The eight-volume book is one of the most striking phenomena of post-war Russian studies." In the preface to the first issue, S. I. Ozhegov wrote:: "The development of questions of everyday language practice, stylistics and theoretical foundations of the normalization of literary languages has become an urgent task of Soviet linguistics "(WRC. 1955. N 1). In the first article of this collection, devoted to "Regular issues of speech culture", the necessity of introducing a new discipline in science was justified and the problems related to the creation of a scientific and theoretical base in this area were outlined. page 55 Ozhegov's first and main assist ... Read more

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Boris Samoilovich Schwarzkopf (1923-2001)

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