Modern literature of Nigeria is a continuation of ancient and medieval (Arabic and European), English, German, French, Russian classics. Among its founders were outstanding masters: Amos Tutuola and Chinua Achebe, Christopher Okigbo and Wole Shojinka, Cyprian Ekvensi. They were followed by Kole Omotoso and Ben Okri, who established the fame of Nigerian literature within the boundaries of the professional community and the global readership. "He never thought that I could be happy without him..." Francoise Sagan "The best way to understand women's issues is for women themselves, or at least for some of them." Simone de Beauvoir "Everyone wants success. Every..." Buchi Emecheta T. M. GAVRISTOVA Doctor of Historical Sciences P. G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University Keywords: Nigeria, Buchi Emecheta, novel, feminism, postmodernism, African diaspora The actualization of the African theme coincided with the parade of sovereignties on the continent. In 1960, which was declared the Year of Africa, 17 countries were freed from colonial dependence, including Nigeria, the largest in terms of population, which led to an interest in the continent, its history and culture. LIFE AS IT IS The female substratum of Nigerian literature is represented by the names Flora Nwapa (1931-1993) and Buchi Emecheta (b.1944), well-known abroad and little known (due to the lack of translations into Russian) to Russian readers. For many, "they were like sisters"1. Both belong to the Igbo people, whose representatives have always been inclined to accumulate ideas and traditions, for which they were called African "Jews" (and "Japanese"), and were distinguished by a certain snobbery and ambition. F. Nwapa has been called the" mother " of African literature. It was the first book to be published abroad. Her novel Efuru (1966) was the first novel in the history of Nigerian literature in English written by a woman. B. Emecheta has written more than two dozen novels. She is a writer and publisher, playw ... Read more

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