S. A. Klychkov's favorite season (1889-1937) is autumn. In his poetics, it is represented by a rich set of visual techniques and images, bright and fresh metaphors, epithets, and comparisons. The motif of multicolored leaves, variegated autumn nature is associated by Klychkov with images of a holiday, a feast: "The forest behind the village shakes off its brocade clothes, as if the feast and fun are over, now it's time to rest until the new spring bell"; with the theme of death and the funeral cover: "now Pelageya Prokofyevna lies on the edge of the Chertukhinsky grove in a golden autumn cover, more lush, flowery and bright than that with which priests cover the dead carrying it through the village to the cemetery." The richness of autumn colors is associated with folk Russian costume: "embroidered-green, muslin-misty tree headdresses"; "thin-thin shawls on the hills", zarya " red-red,.. as if a red Basilisk sundress is drying"; "beaded stars with kiki"; "a branch that looks like a sewn shirt sleeve". page 25 The multicolored fields are compared to shawls: "Oh, my God, my God, what a beautiful, bright country we are! What thin shawls are spread over its hills, fields and ravines, with what a delicate and intricate pattern"; with a painted canvas: "like large canvases with a hurried charcoal drawing, fields and glades are spread out." The removed flax, one of Klychkov's recurring motifs, is sometimes likened to the icon's salary, sometimes it serves as a comparison with which the dawn is described: "flax lies like an icon's salary near the river"; "in the windows, as if they hung tattered flax, it turned white." Several times there is a comparison of the autumn forest with a temple, a church: "quiet... in the forest, as in a church, with a key locked"; "he goes through the forest, as in the church of the bridegroom waiting for the arrival of the bride." The motif of the wheel is characteristic of Klychkov: "even in the morning the last low wheel of the rainbow will g ... Read more

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