Candidate of Historical Sciences
Leading Researcher at the Center for Indian Studies IV RAS
Keywords: India, the struggle for independence, Aruna Asaf Ali, Gandhi, Nehru
In the political life of India, especially in the first decades after independence in 1947, a large role was played by representatives of the generation that made a major contribution to the struggle for the country's freedom. In liberated India, they brought ideas of patriotism, anti-colonialism and a revolutionary spirit. The most prepared and determined of them became the ideological leaders of the country. Such people were called the builders of the new India, who had a huge impact on the minds and moods of people by their moral feat. Especially during the years when Jawaharlal Nehru was at the helm of power.
Among these Indian patriots, a prominent figure is Aruna Asaf Ali, who became a national hero during the "Get Out of India"campaign launched in 1942 by Mahatma Gandhi. To many, she resembled Lakshmi Bai-rani (Princess) of the Jhansi Principality, who led detachments in Central India that fought against the British during the Indian Popular Uprising of 1857-1859, and died in one of the battles.
The author of this article had the good fortune to meet Aruna Asaf Ali many times and discuss various issues related to the status of women in India and Russia. She willingly shared her experience and knowledge, and was always an attentive and kind friend. The last time we met was in February 1990 in Delhi. At that time, Aru nu Asaf Ali was interested in the events taking place in our country. But I especially remember the strength of spirit of this modest, fragile woman, her inner energy, dedication to the cause of social justice, which she served all her life.
Aruna Asaf Ali (nee Aruna Ganguli) was born on July 16, 1909 in Kalka (present-day Haryana) to a Bengali Brahmin family from East Bengal (Barisal city). Her parents were members of the Hindu Brahmo Sama ...
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